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Does the application of corporate social responsibility (CSR) support a high performance organisation (HPO)?

The case of mining multinationals in Peru

By André A. de Waal and Giovanna Orcotoma Escalante

Recent literature indicates that the application of corporate social responsibility (CSR) can lead to better organisational performance. It is therefore logical to propose that CSR is not just a philosophy but can be a methodology suitable for business purposes, in the sense that a good application of CSR techniques supports an organisation in becoming a high performance organisation (HPO). The research described in this article investigates whether an organisation that applies CSR more fully achieves better organisational results than an organisation which uses CSR less in its business dealings. A comparison of two mining companies in Peru, using a CSR-HPO framework, shows that the mining company which practised CSR better indeed achieves higher organisational performance and is well on its way to becoming an HPO. A direct consequence of this finding is that it makes both social and economic sense for organisations to work on their CSR practice and behavior, in order to become and stay an HPO.

Keywords: corporate social responsibility; CSR; Peru; mining; multinationals; high performance organisations; HPO; Andre de Waal; Giovanna Orcotoma Escalante

Reference to this paper should be made as follows: de Waal, A.A. and Orcotoma Escalante, G. (2011) ‘Does the application of corporate social responsibility support a high performance organisation in achieving better results? The case of mining multinationals in Peru’, Int. J. Sustainable Strategic Management, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp.33–49.

Biographical notes:

André A. de Waal is an Associate Professor in strategic management at the Maastricht School of Management and the Academic Director of the Center for Organizational Performance (HPO Center), an organisation which conducts research into high performance organisations. In addition, he is a Guest Lecturer at the Free University Amsterdam and Erasmus University Rotterdam. He has published over 250 articles and 25 books.

Giovanna Orcotoma Escalante is the Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Manager of the Group Ciudad Saludable in Peru, an organisation whose main goal is to contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of the poorest population through efficient solid waste management, which will result in cleaner cities, the creation of jobs and a more social responsible involvement from public and business sectors. She has 20 years experience in the field of development, mainly in social and environmental development projects with international cooperation.

Download the full Int. Journal Sustainable Strategic Management research paper in PDF: Does the application of corporate social responsibility (CSR) support a high performance organisation (HPO)?

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